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If you are interested in knowing more about enrolling your child at Seaview Christian College, we would love to hear from you. 


Please phone us to make an appointment or complete our Online Enrolment Enquiry Form. We will be in touch shortly after receiving your enquiry.

Enrolment Process

If you would like to enroll your child in Seaview Christian College the process is as follows:

  1. Submit an initial enrolment enquiry

  2. Tour of the College

  3. Complete and return enrolment application form

  4. Review of application by College

  5. Testing and formal enrolment interview

  6. Enrolment decision by the Principal

  7. Signing of enrolment contract

  8. Support seamless transition into the College

Please note that the College may choose to discontinue the enrolment process at any stage without explanation.

Step 1 – Submit an initial enrolment enquiry
We welcome and encourage general enquiries from families regarding enrolments throughout the year.

Seaview Christian College is a learning community made up of supportive families, seeking

quality-schooling within the Christian faith tradition. Families that are willing to commit to

sharing in the College community as described below should initiate an enrolment enquiry

with the College. These commitments are:

  • Faithfully supporting at all times, the Christian faith basis as well as the vision, mission, ethos and values of the College, including as set out in the CCM Statement of Faith

  • Respectfully honouring the College leadership and their decisions;

  • Relationally speaking with staff members, students and other community members with sensitivity and respect, and complying with published processes to raise concerns;

  • Educationally allowing their student to participate fully in the life of the College, encouraging appropriate behaviours consistent with College expectations and being an active partner in the education of their children;

  • Financially ensuring the timely payment of fees and charges;

  • Socially helping build up the College community for the benefit of students as well as speaking positively and assisting occasionally as time permits (this could include helping on a regular basis as a volunteer, if requested); and

For students, engagement expectations (which increase with age) include:

  • Striving to achieve their personal best;

  • Participating fully in College activities;

  • Contributing positively to the life of the College, which includes the welfare of others;

  • Respectfully honouring the College leadership and their decisions;

  • Relationally speaking with staff members, students and other community members with sensitivity and respect, and complying with published processes to raise concerns;

  • Personally observing compliance with the College policies, rules and procedures, exercising appropriate self-discipline and following the established College and classroom rules, and behaving in a way that does not bring dishonour to the name of Christ, or disgrace to the College.

For any enquiries, please complete the online enquiry form here:

Step 2 – Tour of the College

All prospective families are invited to learn more about Seaview Christian College through a College tour. The tour presents information about the College’s values, Christian ethos, expectations and allows families to see the College facilities. You will be able to evaluate the College to determine if what the College offers is suitable for your family and the learning needs of your children. College tours are conducted by the Heads of School.

Please book a tour after making the initial contact and enquiry. Call (08) 7625 2600 to book a tour. 

If you are unable to attend a tour in person, we will make alternative arrangements for you.

Step 3 – Complete and return enrolment application form

If after attending a College tour you desire to be part of the College Community and support the College as detailed in Step 1, we will invite you to complete a formal enrolment application form. The application form must be returned fully completed along with supporting documentation.

Documentation required to be provided includes:

  • Enrolment Application Form

  • Child’s birth certificate for proof of identity and residency.

  • Parent proof of identity.

  • Recent academic reports.

  • Any additional documentation regarding educational or learning needs.

There is no enrolment application fee at Seaview Christian College.

Submitting an enrolment application form does not guarantee entry into the College but starts the formal enrolment consideration process.

Step 4 – College review of application

The College will consider and review the information and documentation provided to make a preliminary determination of its capacity to meet the educational needs of your child. The College may request additional information if required.

All applications for enrolment are considered according to a range of criteria. The chief general criterion is based on the notion of mutual benefit. The College enrols students who will benefit from a Christian education at the College and from whom the College will benefit by their enrolment.

Step 5 – Testing and formal interview

Once the College has reviewed the supplied information, we will schedule an enrolment interview with the relevant College staff. In conjunction with the interview, we will also arrange for your child to participate in literacy and numeracy testing.

The purpose of the interview is to formally discuss the suitability of the College, Family and Student to each other. We consider:

  • Shared values in regards to the ethos of the College.

  • Educational needs of your child and our capacity to meet those needs.

  • Financial, social and cooperation commitment of parents and careers to the College.

  • The commitment of the student to contribute positively to the College community.

This consultation gives all parties the opportunity to consider these aspects before entering into an educational partnership through a formal contract.

Where information obtained by, or provided to, the College indicates that the student has a disability or is at educational risk, the College will further consult with you to identify the support or adjustments that may be required. This may lead to requests for additional reports or medical documentation from specialists outside the College. This will be at your own expense. If the College determines the student will require adjustments, appropriate staff will be consulted to identify whether the adjustments are reasonable and in the interests (including safety) of all concerned (students and staff).

Step 6 – Enrolment decision by the Principal

Following the interview, the College will contact you to confirm whether a placement is offered or not.

If a place is offered, the College will provide you with an enrolment contract to sign along with additional document including information regarding fee payment.

Any placement offer will be based upon the information provided by you during the enrolment process. In the event it is subsequently revealed that any information was inaccurate, false or misleading, the College reserves the right to review the enrolment and may decide to withdraw the offer or terminate the agreement if it has been accepted. If it transpires after enrolment that the educational needs of a student are beyond the reasonable capacity of the College to meet, the College may review the enrolment in consultation with you.

Step 7 – Signing of enrolment contract 

To accept an offer of enrolment, you must:

  • Return the signed enrolment contract

  • Return the fee payment selection form

  • Submit any other requested documentation

All enrolment offers have an expiry date, which is detailed on the Letter of Offer. Families are required to communicate with the College if they are unable to confirm their enrolment with the abovementioned requirements by the expiry date.

Step 8 – Support seamless transition into the College

Once the Enrolment Contract has been returned, enrolment is confirmed for the commencement date in your Letter of Offer.

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Phone:  08 7625 2600

56 Seaview Road, Port Augusta SA 5700, Australia

ABN 96 105 961 135


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